
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt A splint bone.

II. Splint ·vt A piece split off; a splinter.

III. Splint ·vt To fasten or confine with splints, as a broken limb. ·see Splint, ·noun, 2.

IV. Splint ·vt A disease affecting the splint bones, as a callosity or hard excrescence.

V. Splint ·vt Splint, or splent, coal. ·see Splent coal, under Splent.

VI. Splint ·vt One of the small plates of metal used in making splint armor. ·see Splint armor, below.

VII. Splint ·vt To split into splints, or thin, slender pieces; to Splinter; to Shiver.

VIII. Splint ·vt A thin piece of wood, or other substance, used to keep in place, or protect, an injured part, especially a broken bone when set.