
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To kennel, as dogs.

II. Stall ·vi A stable; a place for cattle.

III. Stall ·vt To keep close; to keep secret.

IV. Stall ·vi To be tired of eating, as cattle.

V. Stall ·vi To be set, as in mire or snow; to stick fast.

VI. Stall ·vt To Fatten; as, to stall cattle.

VII. Stall ·vt To Forestall; to anticipitate. Having.

VIII. Stall ·vi To live in, or as in, a stall; to Dwell.

IX. Stall ·vi A bench or table on which small articles of merchandise are exposed for sale.

X. Stall ·vt To place in an office with the customary formalities; to Install.

XI. Stall ·vi The space left by excavation between pillars. ·see Post and stall, under Post.

XII. Stall ·vt To put into a stall or stable; to keep in a stall or stalls; as, to stall an Ox.

XIII. Stall ·vi A small apartment or shed in which merchandise is exposed for sale; as, a butcher's stall; a bookstall.

XIV. Stall ·vi In the theater, a seat with arms or otherwise partly inclosed, as distinguished from the benches, sofas, ·etc.

XV. Stall ·add. ·noun A covering or sheath, as of leather, horn, of iron, for a finger or thumb; a cot; as, a thumb stall; a finger stall.

XVI. Stall ·vt To plunge into mire or snow so as not to be able to get on; to Set; to Fix; as, to stall a cart.

XVII. Stall ·vi A stand; a station; a fixed spot; hence, the stand or place where a horse or an ox kept and fed; the division of a stable, or the compartment, for one horse, ox, or other animal.

XVIII. Stall ·vi A seat in the choir of a church, for one of the officiating clergy. It is inclosed, either wholly or partially, at the back and sides. The stalls are frequently very rich, with canopies and elaborate carving.