
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To raise a tempest.

II. Storm ·noun A heavy shower or fall, any adverse outburst of tumultuous force; violence.

III. Storm ·vi To Rage; to be in a violent passion; to Fume.

IV. Storm ·noun A violent agitation of human society; a civil, political, or domestic commotion; sedition, insurrection, or war; violent outbreak; clamor; tumult.

V. Storm ·vi To blow with violence; also, to rain, hail, snow, or the like, usually in a violent manner, or with high wind;

— used impersonally; as, it storms.

VI. Storm ·vt To Assault; to attack, and attempt to take, by scaling walls, forcing gates, breaches, or the like; as, to storm a fortified town.

VII. Storm ·noun A violent assault on a fortified place; a furious attempt of troops to enter and take a fortified place by scaling the walls, forcing the gates, or the like.

VIII. Storm ·noun A violent disturbance of the atmosphere, attended by wind, rain, snow, hail, or thunder and lightning; hence, often, a heavy fall of rain, snow, or hail, whether accompanied with wind or not.