
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·superl Backward; slow.

II. Strange ·vi To be estranged or alienated.

III. Strange ·adv Strangely.

IV. Strange ·superl Reserved; distant in deportment.

V. Strange ·superl Belonging to another country; foreign.

VI. Strange ·superl Not before known, heard, or seen; new.

VII. Strange ·superl Not familiar; unaccustomed; inexperienced.

VIII. Strange ·vi To Wonder; to be astonished.

IX. Strange ·vt To Alienate; to Estrange.

X. Strange ·superl Of or pertaining to others; not one's own; not pertaining to one's self; not domestic.

XI. Strange ·superl Not according to the common way; novel; odd; unusual; irregular; extraordinary; unnatural; queer.