
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Rule; dominion; control.

II. Sway ·vi To have weight or influence.

III. Sway ·noun Preponderance; turn or cast of balance.

IV. Sway ·noun A switch or rod used by thatchers to bind their work.

V. Sway ·vi To Hoist; as, to sway up the yards.

VI. Sway ·vi To move or swing from side to side; or backward and forward.

VII. Sway ·noun The act of swaying; a swaying motion; the swing or sweep of a weapon.

VIII. Sway ·vi To bear sway; to Rule; to Govern.

IX. Sway ·noun Influence, weight, or authority that inclines to one side; as, the sway of desires.

X. Sway ·vi To be drawn to one side by weight or influence; to Lean; to Incline.

XI. Sway ·vi To move or wield with the hand; to Swing; to Wield; as, to sway the scepter.

XII. Sway ·vi To influence or direct by power and authority; by persuasion, or by moral force; to Rule; to Govern; to Guide.

XIII. Sway ·vi To cause to incline or swing to one side, or backward and forward; to Bias; to Turn; to Bend; warp; as, reeds swayed by wind; judgment swayed by passion.

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