
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To walk with a jerk.

II. Switch ·vt To trim, as, a hedge.

III. Switch ·vt To shift to another circuit.

IV. Switch ·noun A small, flexible twig or rod.

V. Switch ·vt To swing or whisk; as, to switch a cane.

VI. Switch ·noun A mechanical device for shifting an electric current to another circuit.

VII. Switch ·vt To strike with a switch or small flexible rod; to Whip.

VIII. Switch ·noun A movable part of a rail; or of opposite rails, for transferring cars from one track to another.

IX. Switch ·noun A separate mass or trees of hair, or of some substance (at jute) made to resemble hair, worn on the head by women.

X. Switch ·add. ·noun A device for shifting an electric current to another circuit, or for making and breaking a circuit.

XI. Switch ·vt To turn from one railway track to another; to transfer by a switch;

— generally with off, from, ·etc.; as, to switch off a train; to switch a car from one track to another.

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