
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·v A balcony, especially a large and uncovered one.

II. Terrace ·v A level plain, usually with a steep front, bordering a river, a lake, or sometimes the sea.

III. Terrace ·v A flat roof to a house; as, the buildings of the Oriental nations are covered with terraces.

IV. Terrace ·v A street, or a row of houses, on a bank or the side of a hill; hence, any street, or row of houses.

V. Terrace ·vt To form into a terrace or terraces; to furnish with a terrace or terraces, as, to terrace a garden, or a building.

VI. Terrace ·v A raised level space, shelf, or platform of earth, supported on one or more sides by a wall, a bank of tuft, or the like, whether designed for use or pleasure.