
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To assume, as a character.

II. Undertake ·vt To take or have the charge of.

III. Undertake ·vi To give a promise or guarantee; to be surety.

IV. Undertake ·vt To engage with; to Attack.

V. Undertake ·vt To have knowledge of; to Hear.

VI. Undertake ·vi To Venture; to Hazard.

VII. Undertake ·vi To take upon one's self, or assume, any business, duty, or province.

VIII. Undertake ·vt Hence, to guarantee; to Promise; to Affirm.

IX. Undertake ·vt To take upon one's self; to engage in; to enter upon; to take in hand; to begin to perform; to set about; to Attempt.

X. Undertake ·vt Specifically, to take upon one's self solemnly or expressly; to lay one's self under obligation, or to enter into stipulations, to perform or to execute; to Covenant; to Contract.