
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To cause to quaver or vibrate.

II. Warble ·noun ·see Wormil.

III. Warble ·vi To be quavered or modulated; to be uttered melodiously.

IV. Warble ·noun A quavering modulation of the voice; a musical trill; a song.

V. Warble ·vi To sing in a trilling manner, or with many turns and variations.

VI. Warble ·vi To sing with sudden changes from chest to head tones; to Yodel.

VII. Warble ·vt To utter musically; to Modulate; to Carol.

VIII. Warble ·noun A small, hard tumor which is produced on the back of a horse by the heat or pressure of the saddle in traveling.

IX. Warble ·noun A small tumor produced by the larvae of the gadfly in the backs of horses, cattle, ·etc. Called also warblet, warbeetle, warnles.

X. Warble ·vt To sing in a trilling, quavering, or vibratory manner; to modulate with turns or variations; to Trill; as, certain birds are remarkable for warbling their songs.