
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To get or take in water; as, the ship put into port to water.

II. Water ·noun Any liquid secretion, humor, or the like, resembling water; ·esp., the urine.

III. Water ·noun A body of water, standing or flowing; a lake, river, or other collection of water.

IV. Water ·noun A solution in water of a gaseous or readily volatile substance; as, ammonia water.

V. Water ·vi To shed, secrete, or fill with, water or liquid matter; as, his eyes began to water.

VI. Water ·noun The fluid which descends from the clouds in rain, and which forms rivers, lakes, seas, ·etc.

VII. Water ·vt To supply with water for drink; to cause or allow to drink; as, to water cattle and horses.

VIII. Water ·noun A wavy, lustrous pattern or decoration such as is imparted to linen, silk, metals, ·etc. ·see Water, ·vt, 3, Damask, ·vt, and Damaskeen.

IX. Water ·vt To wet or supply with water; to Moisten; to overflow with water; to Irrigate; as, to water land; to water flowers.

X. Water ·vt To wet and calender, as cloth, so as to impart to it a lustrous appearance in wavy lines; to diversify with wavelike lines; as, to water silk. ·cf. Water, ·noun, 6.

XI. Water ·vt An addition to the shares representing the capital of a stock company so that the aggregate par value of the shares is increased while their value for investment is diminished, or "diluted.".

XII. Water ·noun The limpidity and luster of a precious stone, especially a diamond; as, a diamond of the first water, that is, perfectly pure and transparent. Hence, of the first water, that is, of the first excellence.

XIII. Water ·noun To add water to (anything), thereby extending the quantity or bulk while reducing the strength or quality; to Extend; to Dilute; to Weaken.