one of the unclean creeping things mentioned in (Leviticus 11:30) The animal referred to was probably a reptile of the lizard tribe (the gecko). The rabbinical writers seen to have identified this animal with the hedgehog.
·noun A kind of narrow tape, usually made of woolen; sometimes of cotton or silk; — called also fer...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Lev. 11:30 (R.V., "gecko"), one of the unclean creeping things. It was perhaps the Lacerta gecko whi...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
A tradesman who sells goods to youug unthrift heirs, at excessive rates, and then continually duns t...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
·noun The spur-winged goose; — so called from the red circle around the eyes. ...