
William Smith's Bible Dictionary

topographically, seems generally employed for the villages of people. As a proper name it appears in the Authorized Version-

• In the plural, Hazerim and HAZEBOTH, for which see below.

• In the slightly different form of Hazor.

• In composition with other words:

• HAZAR-ADDAR (village of Addar), a place named as one of the landmarks on the southern boundary of the land promised to Israel. (Numbers 34:4) Adar (Joshua 15:3)

• HAZAR-ENAN (village of fountains), the place at which the northern boundary of the land promised to the children of Israel was to terminate. (Numbers 34:9,10) comp. Ezek 47:17; 48:1

• HAZAB GADDAH (village of fortune), one of the towns in the southern district of Judah, (Joshua 15:27) named between Moladah and Heshmon.

• HAZAR-SHUAL (village of jackals), a town in the southern district of Judah, lying between Hazar-gaddah and Beersheba. (Joshua 15:28; 19:3; 1 Chronicles 4:28)

• HAZAR-SUSAH (village of horses), one of the "cities" allotted to Simeon in the extreme south of the territory of Judah. (Joshua 19:5)