(St.) Andrew Hubbard

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the south side of Eastcheap at the north-west corner of Love Lane. In Billingsgate Ward (S. 211). The parish extends into Langbourn Ward (O.S.).

First mention found in records : " St. Andrew by Estchepe," 3 John (Anc. Deeds, A. 2119).

Other forms : " St. Andrew Huberd," 1282 (Cal. L. Bk. A. p. 51). " St. Andrew de Estchep," 1286-7 (Ct. H.W. I. 80). " S. Andrew Hubert towards the Tower," 1285 (ib. 70). " S. Andrew Hubert in Estchep," 1294-5 (ib. 117). " S. Andrew Hubert near Estchepe," 1388 (ib. II. 268). Seems to be referred to as " St. Andrew apud Turrim," 13th century (MS. D. and C. St Paul's, W.D. 12).

These forms were used interchangeably down to the 16th century. Repaired and beautified 1630. Destroyed in the Fire and not rebuilt, the parish being united to St. Mary at Hill and the site disposed of for public uses, being partly laid into the street and partly occupied by the King's Weigh House (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 171).

A Rectory. Patron : Aymer de Valence, e. of Pembroke, 31 Ed. I and 17 Ed. II. (Lib. Cust. I. 238 and Inq. p.m. 17 Ed. II.). Afterwards the advowson was in the hands of John, Lord Hastings, earl of Pembroke, and after being for some time vested in the Crown, passed into the hands of John, Lord Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury (Newcourt, I. 263 ; and Arnold's Chronicle, 248). It continued in his family until 1598, but it is uncertain who made the presentations after this date, and Hatton says the matter was in dispute in 1708 between the Dukes of Norfolk and Somerset. Elmes says it was (in 1831) in the hands of the Duke of Northumberland, who presents alternately with the parishioners of St. Mary at Hill, and Wheatley accepts this statement.

It has been suggested that the church was erected on a Roman edifice, because when the foundations were brought to light the walls had the character of Roman workmanship and fragments of Samian pottery were found about the foundations (Gent. Mag. Lib. XV. p.42). Stow calls the church " Saint Andrew Hubbert," or Saint Andrew in East Cheape (p.211).

The most usual designation at the commencement of the 13th century was " St. Andrew by Estchepe," and it seems most likely that the appellation " Hubert " was added towards the end of that century in commemoration of some benefactor to the church.

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