(St.) Andrew Hubbard Lane

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

The name of the lane occurs several times in the 13th and 14th centuries.

" Lane of St. Andrews Hubard," 19 Ed. I. (Anc. Deeds, A. 1970). " Tenement in St. Andrew Huberdlane," in parish of St. Dionisius de Grascherch, 1361 (Ct. H.W. II. 62). Called in records " St. Andrewys Lane" in parish of St. Dionisii (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 154). " Seynt Andrewes lane," 1378 (Ct. H.W. II. 200). " Lane of St. Andrew Huberd, otherwise styled Philpot Lane " in the parish of St. Dionis Bakchurche, 20 Ed. IV. (Anc. Deeds, C. 6563). See Philpot Lane.

Qy. called " Brandrees lane " (q.v.) in a will of 1321, " Br " being probably an error for " St."

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