(St.) Anne

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the north side of Gresham Street (formerly St. Anne's Lane) in Alders-gate Ward Within. It seems also to have been called St. Anne and St. Agnes (q.v.) and St. Agnes (q.v.) only, unless at one time there were two separate churches.

First mention found in records : " S. Anne de Aldredesgate," 1275 (Ct. H.W. I. 25).

It is said to have been attached to St. Martin's le Grand in the 11th century, and was perhaps included in William's charter to that foundation (N. and Q. 7th S. x. 174-5).

Other names : " St. Anne near Aldrichesgate," 1306 (Ct. H.W. I. 178). " St. Anne within Aldrychgate," 1407 (ib. II. 370). " St. Anne in the willowes " (S. 309).

Burnt 1548, and newly repaired (ib.). Again repaired and beautified 1624. Steeple repaired 1629-30, and a new turret made (Strype, ed. 1720, I. iii. 101). Burnt in the Fire and rebuilt of rubbed brick (ib. 121), the parish of St. John Zachary being united to it.

Patrons : Dean of St. Martin's le Grand (Arnold's Chronicle, 247). Afterwards, the Abbot and Convent of Westminster (Newcourt, I. 278).

Dedication to the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

See St. Anne and St. Agnes.

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