Dolphin Court

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

1) West out of Little Distaff Lane, in Bread Street Ward (Strype, ed. 1720-Boyle, 1799).

Site now occupied by offices and business houses.

2) South out of Ludgate Hill at 631/2 , in Farringdon Ward Without. "The Dolphin Public house" (P.O. Directory).

First mention: O. and M. 1677.

Strype describes it as small, having but one house, an Ale House with the sign of the Dolphin. It would appear to have existed in much the same condition down to the present time.

The name is derived from the sign.

3) West out of Noble Street, at No. 40, north of St. Anne's Lane, in Aldersgate Ward (P.C. 1732-Elmes, 1831).

Mentioned 3 W. and M. 1691 (L.C.C. Deeds, Harben Bequest, 1600-1700, No. 41). Named after "Dolphin" (The) at Aldersgate (q.v.).

4) North out of Tower Street, near Water Lane (P.C. 1732-Boyle,1799).

"Dolphin Tavern" in Strype (ed. 1720, 1. ii. 48).

Not named in the maps.

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