(St.) Mary de Newechirche

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

St. Mary "que Niwekirke" dicitur, mentioned in Charter of Wm. I. to Westminster Abbey (Cott. Ch. vi. 3, B.M.).

Dart suggests that this is St. Mary le Bow (II. 21).

"Newecirce" in Londonia mentioned 1175 in Harl. Ch. 84, F. 46.

Rector of S. Mary de Neucherche mentioned in will of Godfrey le Coffrer, 1277-8 (Ct. H.W. I. 31).

Shops in Baremanelane in parishes of St. Mary Woolnoth and St. Mary de Newechirch, 1285 (ib. 73).

Parish of St. Mary Newcherche mentioned in 38 and 46 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2274, and A. 2631) and in 54 H. III., deed endorsed St. Mary Wolchirch (ib. B. 2110 and 2112).

Land and chief messuage of Thomas de Exeport in the parish of St. Mary de Neucherch. The premises lie opposite the cemetery of the Church west and run up to the land late of Richard de Abedon east and between the street (regium vicum) running to Longebrod north and a lane (viculum regium) south, 1 Rich. I. and 1252 (Cal. Ch. Rolls, H. III. I. pp. 407 and 424).

The lands of Thos. de Exeport are elsewhere described as in the parish of St. Mary )f Woollechurchehawe, 1260 (ib. II. 33).

Most of the deeds above set out indicate that it is St. Mary Woolchurch that is usually referred to under this designation.

See St. Mary Woolchurch, St. Mary le Bow, St. Mary de Westcheping.

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