(St.) Nicholas Cole Abbey

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

On the south side of Knightrider Street, near its junction with Queen Victoria Street, in Queenhithe Ward (P.O. Directory). The parish extends into Bread Street Ward.

Earliest mention found in records: " Sancti Nichi Coldabbei," 1241-59 (D. and C. St. Paul's, W.D. 9, fo. 52).

Other forms : " St. Nicholas le Coldabbay," 52 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, B. 2240). " St. Nicholas Coldhabey," 13th cent. (ib. B. 2279). St. Nicholas Coldabbey," 31 Ed. I. (Lib. Cust. 230, 225). " St. Nicholas Coldabbee," 1316 (Ct. H.W. I. 264). " St. Nicholas Colabei-Coldabei," 1331 (ib. 367). " St. Nicholas called la Coldabbaye near Old fisshstrete," 1352 (ib. 666). " St. Nicholas Wyllyms in Bredstrett," 1553 (Machyn's Diary, p.42). "St. Nicholas Welleys or St. Nicholas Coldabbey," temp. Elir. (Proc. in Chanc. II. 75). " St. Nicholas Coldabbey "-shops in parish in West Fish Street, 4 Rich. II. (Anc. Deeds, A. 2488).

Seems to be referred to as " St. Nicholas in Dystaflane " in 1305 (Ct. H.W. I. 169).

"Sci Nichi retro fihstrate," 1272-3 (HarI. Ch. 85, E. 22).

See St. Nicholas New Fish Street, West Fish Street.

In 1377 licence was granted for the alienation in mortmain of a piece of land adjoining the church of St. Nicholas Coldabbey, 48 ft. long and 12 ft. broad for the enlargement of the church (Cal. P.R. Rich. II. 1377-81, p.87).

In 1352 a void plot of land adjoining the church was acquired 86 ft. long and 43 ft. broad at one end and 34 ft. at the other end to make a graveyard for the church, 26 Ed. III.1352 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III.1350-4, p.240).

Stow argues in favour of the antiquity of the church from the fact that the" wayes" thereabout were raysed, so that" men are forced to descend into the body of the church"

In 20 Rich. II. a messuage and a shop in Distaffe lane and olde Fishstreete were given to the Parson and Churchwardens for the repair of the body of the church, the Belfry, or steeple and ornaments (S. 356).

Repaired and beautified 1630.

Burnt down 1666 and rebuilt, the first to be rebuilt after the Fire. Parish of St Nicholas Olave united to it (Strype, Ed. 1720, I. iii. 209).

Repaired 1873.

A Rectory. Patron: Dean of St. Martin le Grand (Lib. Cust. I. 230-5). Afterwards belonged to the Hacker family, and on the attainder of Colonel Francis Hacker, to the Crown.

The designation "Cole Abbey" similar in origin to " Coldharbour" (q.v.). Original form" Cold Abbey."

The designation " Wyllyms," "Welleys," is difficult to account for, and the mention of Bredstrett suggests that the church referred to by Machyn is "St. Nicholas Olave" and not " St. Nicholas Cole Abbey," especially as the latter church is mentioned by its usual designation in the preceding paragraph.

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