(St.) Nicholas without Algate

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

Presentation of Master Richard Lythum, Chaplain to the Church of St. Nicholas without Algate in the diocese of London, 8 H. IV. 1406 (Cal. P.R. H. IV. 1405-8, p.241).

It is difficult to account for the name of this church, as there is no record of any church of this name near Aldgate, and Hennessy includes the presentation in his list of the curates of St. Botolph Aldgate, but without comment or explanation.

Is it a case of a double dedication, and is it possible that the church of St. Botolph was also dedicated to St. Nicholas, or may there have been a chapel so dedicated in or adjoining to the church, to which R. Lytham was presented?

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