Old Fish Street Hill

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

South out of Old Fish Street to Upper Thames Street, in Queenhithe Ward (Horwood, 1799-L.C.C. List, 1912).

Former names: "Fish Street Hill" (O. and M. 1677-Strype). St. Mary Mount-haunt" (S. 354). "Mountenhaut Lane" (q.v.). " Oldefisshestretlone," 1345 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III.1345-8, p.14).

In Rocque, 1746, the northern portion was called" Old Fish Street Hill," the southern portion "Labour in Vain Hill."

The main portion of the street was removed for the formation of Queen Victoria Street, and the remaining portion since 1909 has been called Lambeth Hill (q.v).

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