
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

n. a name given in Australia to Oligorus mitchellii, Castln. (see Murray Perch);in Victoria, to Chilodactylus nigricans, Richards. (see Morwong); in New Zealand, to Coridodax pullus,Forst., called also Kelp-fish. The name is in allusionto their slippery coating of mucus. See Kelp-fish.

1850. J. B. Clutterbuck, `Port Phillip,' vol. iii. p. 44:

«In the bay are large quantities of . . . butter-fish.»

1880. Guenther, `Study of Fishes,' p. 533:

«The `butter-fish,' or `kelp-fish' of the colonists of NewZealand ( C. pullus), is prized as food, and attains to aweight of four or five pounds.»

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