Peter's Court

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

1) In Ironmonger Row (Dodsley, 1761).

Not named in the maps.

2) South out of Royal Mint Street with a passage east into Well Yard and Cartwright Street (P.C. 1732 to 1913, and see below).

The portion leading east into Cartwright Street is called "Little Peter Court" in O.S.1875.

Differently planned in Horwood and Rocque. Former name: "Middelborr Alley" (Strype, Ed. 1720).

In 1880-4 the part into Cartwright Street was cleared for the erection of the Artizans' Dwellings there, and in 1913 the part leading out of Royal Mint Street was closed, apparently for demolition.

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