- Prugean Court
- Prujean Square
- Public Libraries
- Pudding Lane, Eastcheap
- Pudding Lane, Queenhithe
- Puddle Dock
- Puddle Dock Hill
- Puddle Dock Stairs
- Puddle Wharf
- Pui, Fraternity of the
- Provision made for the collection of weekly alms for the support of the Chapel of Our Lady near Guildhall founded "pur tote la compaignie du Pui" (ib.).
- Pullen's Buildings
- Pulteney's Inn
- Pump Court
- Pump Court, Alley
- Pump in Bishopsgate Ward Within
- Pump in Lime Street
- Pump Yard
- Pump Yard, Townsend Lane
- Puntack
- Puppekirtlelane
- Puppes Alley
- Pur Alley
- Pur Court
- Purale
- Purfleet Wharf
- Purpole Lane
- Purse Alley
- Purse Court
- Puter Pott
- Pycardeslane
- Pye Corner
- Pye Corner, Tower Street
- Pye in the Royall
- Pyellane
- Pyke's Place
- Quakers' Meeting House
- Queen Square
- Queen Street
- Queen Street Place
- Queen Street, Royal Mint Street
- Queen Victoria Street.-
- Queenhithe
- Queenhithe Alley
- Queenhithe Dock
- Queenhithe Little Stairs
- Queenhithe Stairs
- Queenhithe Ward
- Queenhithe Wharf, Dock
- Queen's Arms
- Queen's Arms Alley
- Queen's Arms Tavern
- Queen's Arms Yard, Shoe Lane
- Queen's Buildings
- Queen's Colledge Passage Square, or Queen's Square Passage
- Queen's College Yard
- Queen's Court
- Queen's Court, Aldersgate Street
- Queen's Head Alley, Newgate Street
- Queen's Head Alley, Tavern
- Queen's Head Court
- Queen's Head Passage
- Queen's Head Tavern
- Queen's Office Alley
- Queen's Square
- Queen's Square Passage, Leadenhall Street
- Queen's Storehouse
- Queen's Wardrobe
- Quick Apple Alley
- Racket Court
- Racquet Court
- Raderiff Lane
- Radley's Hotel
- Rag Fair
- Ragged Staff Alley
- Railway Approach
- Railway Place
- Rainbow Court
- Ralph's Quay
- Ram Alley
- Ram Alley, Court, Fleet Street
- Ram Inn
- The Rame
- The Ramme
- The Rammes Head
- Ram's Head Court
- Ram's Head Inn, Fenchurch Street
- Ramsay's Almshouse
- (Hostel of Abbot of) Ramsey
- Randall's Lime Wharf
- Randall's Wharf
- Rangoon Street
- Raquet Court
- Rastal's Rents
- Rat Alley
- Raton Lane
- Ratonsrowe
- Rauff's Key
- Raven Alley
- Raven Court, Passage