- Pope Lane End
- Pope's Alley
- Pope's Cottages
- Pope's Head Alley
- Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill
- Pope's Head Court
- Pope's Lane
- Pope's Yard, Minories
- Popinjay
- Popinjay, Popynjay Aley
- Popping's Alley
- Poppin's Court
- Popys Alley
- Porridge Pot Alley
- Port of London Authority's Warehouses
- Le Portehawe
- Porters
- Porter's Court
- Porter's Quay
- Porter's Yard
- Porteslane
- Portpool
- Portpool Lane
- Portpool Street
- Portpulbrigg
- Portsoken
- Portsoken Ward
- Post House
- Post Office Court
- Post Office, Lombard Street
- Postboy Passage
- Postern
- Postern Passage
- Postern Row
- Postern, near Moorfields
- Postern, Postern Gate
- The Posterne
- Le Posteryn
- Pott Inn, Pott on the Hoop
- Pottage Pot Alley
- Potters
- Potters' Alley, Court
- Potter's Key
- Pottes Alley
- Pottlepot Alley
- (St.) Poulcher's
- Poules Gate
- Pouleshede
- Poulterers
- Poulterers' Hall
- Poultney Lane
- Poulton's Court
- Poultry
- Poultry Alley
- Poultry Chapel
- Poultry Compter
- Poultry Compter Yard
- Pound Yard
- Pound's Buildings
- (Bar of) Pourtepole
- Pourteslane
- Powche Makers' Court
- Powles Brewhouse
- Powlet House
- Powyls Wharffe
- Precincts or Liberties
- Preest Court
- Preist Alley, St. Dunstan in the East
- Prerogative Court
- Prerogative Office
- Presbiterian Meeting House
- Presbyterian Meeting House
- Prescott Street
- Preston's Yard, Minories
- Prideaux Court
- Priest Alley, All Hallows Barking
- Priest Court
- Priest's Alley
- Prigeons Court
- Primrose Alley
- Primrose Court
- Primrose Hill
- Primrose Street
- Prince's Court
- Prince's Street
- Prince's Street, Rosemary Lane
- (The) Prince's Wardrobe
- Printer's Square
- Printer's Street
- Printing House Lane
- Printing House Square
- Printing House Street
- Printing House Yard
- Printing House Yard, Blackfriars
- Printing Street
- Prisons
- Proprietary Chapels
- Providence Place, Middlesex Street
- Provincial Bank of Ireland
- Prudent Passage