- (St.) Matthew's Alley
- (St.) Matthew's Alley, Court
- (St.) Matthew's Buildings
- (St.) Matthew's Court
- La Maudelyne in Eldefihsstrete
- Maudlin's Rents
- Maul's Court
- May Square
- Mayden Alley, Aldersgate Street
- Mayden Lane
- Maydenhead Alley, Thames Street
- Maydys Hedde
- Mayegood Alley
- Mayors of London
- Maypole Alley
- Maypole Alley or Court
- McLean's Buildings
- Meal Market
- Meal Yard
- Mearmaid Alley, Warwick Lane
- Mede Lane
- Mediford Court
- Meermaid Court
- Meermaid Inn
- Meeting House Court
- Meeting House Yard
- Meeting House Yard, Gravel Lane
- Meeting House Yard, Miles' Lane
- Meigley's Court
- Melc Street
- Melk Street
- Mellin's Rents
- Melters of Tallow and Lard
- Menchenelane
- Menchonelane
- Menechine Lane
- Mengenelane
- Mengeoneslane
- Mengonelane
- Menionelane
- Menterhous
- Mercers' Chapel
- Mercers' Company
- Mercers' Court
- Mercers' Hall
- Mercers' Rents
- Mercers' School
- Le Mercersrent
- The Mercery
- Merchant Taylors
- Merchant Taylors' Alms Houses
- Merchant Taylors' Almshouses
- Merchant Taylors' Garden
- Merchant Taylors' Hall
- Merchant Taylors' Rents
- Merchant Taylors' School
- Merchants' Lane
- Le Meriole
- Merlaweskey
- Merle's Court
- Merlin's Rents
- Mermaid Court
- Mermaid Tavern
- Merrett's Buildings
- Merryfield's Rents
- Metropolitan Asylums' Board Offices
- Metropolitan Bank Buildings
- Metropolitan Buildings
- Metropolitan Free Hospital
- Metropolitan Market, West Smithfield
- Mewse, Devonshire Square
- (St.) Michael ad bladum
- (St.) Michael Aldgate
- (St.) Michael atte Corne
- (St.) Michael Bassishaw
- (St.) Michael by Christ Church
- (St.) Michael Candlewick Street
- (St.) Michael Candlewick Street, Lane of
- (St.) Michael Coldabey
- (St.) Michael Crokede lane, Lane of
- (St.) Michael Crooked Lane
- (St.) Michael Crooked Lane Churchyard
- (St.) Michael Huggin Lane
- (St.) Michael in Foro ad Bladum
- (St.) Michael in Fridaistrete
- (St.) Michael juxta Macellum
- (St.) Michael le Querne
- (St.) Michael Queenhithe
- (St.) Michael super Ripam Regine
- (St.) Michael towards London Bridge
- (St.) Michael upon Thames
- (St.) Michael Wood Street
- (St.) Michael, Paternoster Royal
- (St.) Michael's Alley
- (St.) Michael's Almshouses
- (St.) Michael's Cornhill
- (St.) Michael's Cornhill Churchyard
- (St.) Michael's Hill
- (St.) Michael's Lane, Seint Micheles-lane
- Middelborr Alley, Royal Mint Street