- Somar's Key
- Somer's Key Gateway
- Somer's Quay Stairs
- Somerset Buildings
- Somerset Court
- Somerset Inn
- Somerset Street
- Sommer's Key
- Sondaye Wharf
- Sondayes Alley
- Sopemakers
- Soper's Lane
- Soper's Lane, Porters of
- Soper's Yard
- Sopporlane
- Soukinge Lane
- Souldier's Court
- South Alley
- South Place
- South Place Mews
- South Sea Chambers
- South Sea Court
- South Sea House
- South Sea Passage
- South Sea Yard
- Southam Lane
- Southampton House
- Southgate
- Southwark Bridge
- Southwark Bridge Stairs
- (Lord) Sowches' House
- Spanish Ambassador's House
- Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks
- Spark's Place
- Sparrow Corner
- Spectacle Alley
- Spectacle Makers
- Spectacle's Alley
- Spectacle's Rents
- The Spicery In Westcheap
- Spinning Wheel Alley
- Spital Bar
- Spital Ditch
- Spital House
- Spital Square
- Spital Yard
- Spitalfields
- Spitel Lane, Vintry
- Spittlefields
- Spooner's Lane
- Sporenereslane
- Sporiar Lane, Sporiereslane
- Sporier's Inn
- Sporierstret
- Sporones Lane
- Sporyer Row
- Spread Eagle Court
- Spread Eagle Inn and Yard
- Sprinckle Alley
- Spuren Lane
- Le Spurrers' House
- Spurrier Lane
- Spurrier Row
- Spytell Wharf
- Squerell Alley, Minories
- Squire Alley, Squirel's Alley, Minories
- Squirrel Alley
- St. John's Court, Somerset Street
- Stable Yard
- Stable Yard, Baker's Buildings
- Stable Yard, Berry Street
- Stable Yard, Church Lane
- Stable Yard, Cutler Street
- Stable Yard, Hand Alley
- Stable Yard, Poor Jewry Lane
- Stable Yard, Woodroff Lane
- Staining Lane
- Staining Lane Church
- Stalhof
- Stamford Inn
- Standard
- The Standard in Fleet Street
- Standard in Cornhill
- Standard in the Old Bailey
- Standard in Westcheap
- Stanene Chirche
- Stanigg Cherche
- Stanning Chirche
- Staningelane
- Stanns Alley
- Stanyng
- La Stapeledehall
- Staple Hall
- Staple Hall, Barking Church
- Staple Inn
- The Star
- Star Alley
- Star Alley, Mark Lane
- Star Alley, Seething Lane
- Star Court