Standard in Cornhill

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

At the east end of Cornhill, where the four streets met, in the middle of the street (S. 189).

It seems probable that it may have been erected soon after 1378, when at a common Council it was decided to consider means to be taken for the repair of the conduit in Chepe and carrying it up to the cross-ways on the top of Cornhull, for which purpose the executors of Adam Fraunceys had promised to contribute 500 marks (Cal. L. Bk. H. p.108).

In 1582 it was supplied with waste water from Peter Morris' artificial forcier, and in a plan of the parish of St. Martin Outwich, 1599, it is called "The Waste Pumpe" (Wilkinson, Plate I.).

It was disused by 1603 (S. 189) and removed 1674 (N. and C. 6th S. 10, 149).

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