- Sugar Loaf Court, Lamb Alley
- Sugar Loaf Court, Leadenhall Street
- Sugar Loaf Yard
- Sugarloaf Court
- Summer's Key
- Sumner Court
- Sun Alley
- Sun Alley, Court
- Sun Alley, King Street
- Sun and Trumpet Alley, Aldgate High Street
- Sun Court, Aldgate High Street
- Sun Court
- Sun Court, Birchin Lane
- Sun Court, Cornhill
- Sun Court, Upper East Smithfield
- Sun Fire Office
- Sun Passage
- Sun Square
- Sun Street
- Sun Street Passage
- Sun Tavern
- Sun Yard
- Sunne Taverne
- Surgeons
- Surnetistour
- Sussex Hall
- Sussex House
- Sussex Place
- Sutton's Alley, Court
- Sutton's Court
- Sutton's Rents
- The Swan
- The Swan, Crooked Lane
- The Swan, Old Fish Street
- Swan Alley
- Swan Alley, Coleman Street
- Swan Alley, Court
- Swan Alley, Lothbury
- Swan and (with) Two Necks Inn
- Swan and Hoop Passage
- Swan Chambers
- Swan Court
- Swan Court, East Smithfield
- Swan Court, Great Tower Street
- Swan Inn
- Swan Lane
- Swan Stairs
- Swan Street, Minories
- Swan Street, Upper East Smithfield
- Swan Tavern
- Swan with Two Necks Inn
- Swan Yard
- Swan Yard, Bishopsgate
- Swann Alley, Upper East Smithfield
- The Swanne
- Swannesnest
- Swan's Nest Court
- Sweating's Passage
- Swedish Court
- Sweedland Alley, Bishopsgate Street
- Sweedland Court
- Sweed's Court
- Sweet Apple Court
- Sweeting's Alley
- Sweeting's Rents
- Swing Bridge, Hermitage Entrance
- Swiss Bankverein
- (St.) Swithin, London Stone
- Swithing's Alley
- (St.) Swithin's Churchyard
- (St.) Swithin's Lane
- Swithin's Alley
- Swithun's Rents
- Swolne
- Sword and Buckler Court
- Sydes (Seint) Lane
- Sydney Avenue
- Sydon Lane
- Sylverstret
- Symond's Inn
- Synechenes Lane, Synedene Lane
- Synethenelane
- Syon Court
- Syrverstret
- (St.) Sythe
- (St.) Sythes Lane
- Sything Lane
- Syvedon Lane
- Syvenden Lane
- Syveden Lane
- Syvid Lane
- Syuethelane
- The Tabarde
- Tabernacle Alley
- Le Taborer
- Tackle House and Ticket Porters
- Tailors
- Talbot Court
- Talbot Inn
- Talbutt Alley