(St.) Swithin's Lane

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

South out of King William Street, at No. I, to "3 Cannon Street (P.O. Directory). In Walbrook Ward.

Earliest mention: " St. Swithin lane," 1278 (Ct. H.W. I. 34).

Other names and forms: "Lane of St. Swythin," 1306-7 (ib. 184). " Swythunes lane," 1348-9 (ib. 513). " Seint Swithoneslane," 1410-11 (ib. ii. 387). " Venella de Swithini," 14 Ed. II. (West. Abbey MS. temp. Rich. II. 44 (12)). " Seintswythynes lane," 13 Rich. II. (Cal. L. Bk. H. p.366). " Sweetings (Swithens) Lane" (Strype, ed. 1720, I. ii. 188). 5. Swithens lane so called of St. Swithens a parish church by London Stone (S. 225).

Prior to the formation of King William Street, 1832, the lane extended into Langbourn Ward, but the northern end was demolished when that street was erected.

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