
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.

This name has been applied to a considerable number of persons in various parts of the Northern States, principally in New England, who have recently come out of the various religious denominations with which they have been connected; hence the name. They have not themselves assumed any distinctive organization. They have no creed, believing that every one should be left free to hold such opinions on religious subjects as he pleases, without being held accountable for the same to any human authority.

They hold a diversity of opinions on many points--some believing in the divine inspiration of the Scriptures, and others that they are but human compositions. They believe Jesus Christ to have been a divinely inspired teacher, and his religion, a revelation of eternal truth; that according to his teachings, true religion consists in purity of heart, holiness of life, and not in opinions; that Christianity, as it existed in Christ, is a life rather than a belief.--Evans's History of Religions, with Additions by an American Editor.

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