Black Wednesday

Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


a political phrase for aday in Victoria (Jan. 9, 1878), when the Government withoutnotice dismissed many Civil Servants, including heads ofdepartments, County Court judges and police magistrates, on theground that the Legislative Council had not voted the money fortheir salaries.

1878. `Melbourne Punch,' May 16, vol. xlvi. p. 195 [Title ofCartoon]:

«In Memoriam. Black Wednesday, 9th January 1878.»

1896. `The Argus,' [Sydney telegram] Aug. 18, p. 6, col. 4:

«The times in the public service at present reminded him ofBlack Wednesday in Victoria, which he went through. Thatcaused about a dozen suicides among public servants. Here ithad not done so yet, but there was not a head of a departmentwho did not now shake in his shoes.»

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