
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


name given to the Roller (q.v.). See quotations.

1827. Vigors and Horsfield, `Transactions of Linnaean Society,'vol. xv. p. 202:

«The settlers call it dollar-bird, from the silver-like spot onthe wing.»

1848. J. Gould, `Birds of Australia;' vol. ii. pl. 17:

« Eurystomus Australis, Swains., Australian Roller.Dollar Bird of the Colonists. During flight the white spot inthe centre of each wing, then widely expanded, shows verydistinctly, and hence the name of Dollar Bird.'»

1851. I. Henderson, `Excursions in New South Wales,' vol. ii.p. 183:

«The Dollar-bird derives its name from a round white spot thesize of a dollar, on its wing. It is very handsome, and fliesin rather a peculiar manner. It is the only bird which I haveobserved to perform regular migrations; and it is strange thatin such a climate any one should do so. But it appears thatthe dollar-bird does not relish even an Australian winter.It is the harbinger of spring and genial weather.»

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