
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


an early name for oneof the Thickheads (q.v.), or Pachycephalae (q.v.). See also quotation, 1896.

1827. Vigors and Horsfield, `Transactions of LinnaeanSociety,' vol. xv. p. 239:

«`This species,' Mr. Caley says, `is called Thunder-bird by the colonists. . . . The natives tellme, that when it begins to thunder this bird is very noisy.'»

1848. J. Gould,' Birds of Australia,' vol. ii. pl. 64:

« Pachycephala Gutturalis, Thunder Bird,Colonists of New South Wales.»

1896. A. J. North, `List of the Insectivorous Birds of NewSouth Wales,' part i. p. 3:

«Pachycephala gutturalis, Latham. `Yellow-breastedThick-head.' . . . From its habit of starting to singimmediately after a clap of thunder, the report of a gun,or any other loud and sudden noise, it is known to manyresidents of New South Wales as the Thunder-bird.'

«Pachycephala rufiventris, Latham. `Rufous-breasted

Thickhead.' . . . Also known as the `Thunder-bird.'»

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