
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

n. an aboriginal cave-dwelling.See Gibber and Gunyah, also Rock-shelter.

1852. `Settlers and Convicts; or, Recollections of SixteenYears' Labour in the Australian Backwoods,' p. 211:

«I coincided in his opinion that it would be best for us tocamp for the night in one of the ghibber-gunyahs. These arethe hollows under overhanging rocks.»

1863. Rev. R. W. Vanderkiste, `Lost, but not for Ever,' p. 210:

«Our home is the gibber-gunyah,

Where hill joins hill on high,

Where the turrama and berrambo

Like sleeping serpents lie.»

1891. R. Etheridge, jun., `Records of the Australian Museum,'vol. i. no. viii. p. 171:

«Notes on Rock Shelters or Gibba-gunyahs at Deewhy Lagoon.»

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