macquarie harbour grape

Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

or Macquarie Harbour Vine, n.

the Tasmanian name for Muhlenbeckiaadpressa, Meissn. N.O. Polygonaceae; called Native Ivy in Australia. See Ivy and Grape.

1831. Ross, `Hobart Town Almanack,' p. 265:

«That valuable plant called the Macquarie harbour grape.It was so named by Mr. Lempriere, late of the Commissariat atthat station, who first brought it into notice as a desirableacquisition in our gardens.»

1834. Ross, `Van Diemen's Land Annual,' p. 133:

« Polygonum adpressum. The Macquarie harbour vine,either as an insignificant trailing plant, or as a magnificentclimber, according to the soil and situation, is found on thecoast of various parts of Van Diemen's Land, and also as farinland as within about four miles of New Norfolk. This planthas a small but sweet fruit, formed of the thickened divisionsof the calyx of the flower, inclosing a triangular seed ofunpleasant flavour.»

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