vine, macquarie harbour

Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris

or Macquarie Harbour Grape

(q.v.). Same as Native Ivy. See Ivy.

1891. `Chambers' Encyclopaedia,' s.v. Polygonaeae:

« Muhlenbeckia adpressa is the Macquarie Harbour Vine ofTasmania, an evergreen climbing or trailing shrub of most rapidgrowth, sometimes 60 feet in length. It produces racemes offruit somewhat resembling grapes or currants, the nut beinginvested with the large and fleshy segments of the calyx. Thefruit is sweetish and subacid, and is used for tarts.»

1884. R. L. A. Davies, `Poems and Literary Remains,' p. 99:

«How we saw the spreading myrtles,

Saw the cypress and the pine,

Saw the green festoons and bowers

Of the dark Macquarie vine,

Saw the blackwoods and the box-trees,

And the spiral sassafrases,

Saw the fairy fern-trees mantled

With their mossy cloak of grasses.»

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