
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


The name is given to variousspecies of trees of several genera – – (1) In Australia, generally, to various species of Loranthus, N.O. Loranthaceae. There are a greatnumber, they are very common on the Eucalypts, and they havethe same viscous qualities as the European Mistletoes.

2) In Western Australia, to Nuytsia floribunda, R. Br., N.O. Loranthaceae, a terrestrial species attaining thedimensions of a tree – – the Flame-tree (q.v.) of WesternAustralia – – and also curiously called there a Cabbage-tree.

3) In Tasmania, to Cassytha pubescens, R. Br., N.O. Lauraceae.

1877. F. v. Mueller, `Botanic Teachings, p. 43:

«The English mistletoe is the well-known Viscum album,whereas all the Victorian kinds belong to the genus Loranthus, of which the Mediterranean L. Europaeus is the prototype. The generic name arosein allusion to the strap-like narrowness of the petals.»

[Greek lowron, from Lat. lorum, a thong,and 'anthos, a flower.]

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