
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


The Australian varietiesare – – Mud-Oyster, Ostrea angasi, Sow. (sometimesconsidered only a variety of O. edulis, Linn., theEuropean species): New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, SouthAustralia. O. rutupina, Jeffreys, «the native» ofColchester, England, is a variety and occurs in Tasmania.Drift-O., O. subtrigona, Sow., called so because itsbeds are thought to be shifted by storms and tides: New SouthWales and Queensland. Rock-O., O. glomerata, Gould,probably the same species as the preceding, but under differentconditions: all Eastern Australia. And other species more orless rare. See also Stewart Islander. Australianoysters, especially the Sydney Rock-Oyster, are very plentiful,and of excellent body and flavour, considered by many to beequal if not superior to the Colchester native. They cost1s. a dozen; unopened in bags, they are 6d. a dozen – – a contrastto English prices.

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