oyster-bay pine

Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


See pine.

1857. `Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of VanDiemen's Land,' vol. i. p. 155:

«16 August, 1848 . . . A sample of the white resin of theOyster Bay Pine ( Callitris Australis, Brown) lay on thetable. The Secretary stated that this tree has only been metwith along a comparatively limited and narrow strip of landbordering the sea on the eastern coast of Tasmania, and uponFlinders and Cape Barren Islands in Bass's Straits; that aboutSwanport and the shores of Oyster Bay it forms a tree, alwayshandsome and picturesque, and sometimes 120 feet in height,affording useful but not large timber, fit for all the ordinarypurposes of the house carpenter and joiner in a countrydistrict.»

1880. Mrs. Meredith, `Tasmanian Friends and Foes,' p. 222:

«Those most picturesque trees, the Oyster Bay pines, which,vividly green in foliage, tapering to a height of eighty or onehundred feet, and by turns symmetrical or eccentric in form,harmonise and combine with rugged mountain scenery as no otherof our trees here seem to do.»

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