
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


name given in Australasiato species of caterpillars which are attacked by spores ofcertain fungi; when chrysalating in the earth the fungus growsinside the body of the caterpillar, kills the latter, and thenforces its way out between the head joints, and sends anupgrowth which projects beyond the surface of the ground andgives rise to fresh spores. Many examples are known, of whichthe more common are – – Cordyceps robertsii, Hook., in NewZealand; Cordyceps gunnii, Berk, in Tasmania; Cordyceps taylori, Berk, in Australia. See Aweto.

1892. M. C. Cooke, `Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms,'p. 139:

«The New Zealanders' name for this plant-caterpillar is`Hotete,' `Aweto,' `Weri,' and `Anuhe.'. . The interior of theinsect becomes completely filled by the inner plant, orthallus(mycelium): after which the growing head of the outer plant orfungus, passing to a state of maturity, usually forces its wayout through the tissue of the joint between the head and thefirst segment of the thorax . . . it is stated that thiscaterpillar settles head upward to undergo its change, when thevegetable developes /sic/ itself.»

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