quart-pot tea

Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


Explained in quotations.Cf. billy-tea.

1878. Mrs. H. Jones, `Long Years in Australia,' p. 87:

«Ralph, taking a long draught of the quart-pot tea, pronouncedthat nothing was ever like it made in teapots, and Ethelthought it excellent, excepting that the tea-leaves weretroublesome.»

188. H. Finch-Hatton, `Advance Australia, p. 111:

«`Quart-pot' tea, as tea made in the bush is always called, isreally the proper way to make it. . . . The tea is reallymade with boiling water, which brings out its full flavour, andit is drunk before it has time to draw too much.»

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