
William Smith's Bible Dictionary

The term "pot" is applicable to so many sorts of vessels that it can scarcely be restricted to any one in particular.

• Asuc (2 Kings 4:2) the earthen jar, deep and narrow, without handles, probably like the Roman and Egyptian amphora, inserted in a stand of wood or stone.

• Cheres, an earthen vessel for stewing or seething. (Leviticus 6:28; Ezekiel 4:9)

• Dud, a vessel for culinary purposes, perhaps of smaller size. (1 Samuel 2:14) The "pots" set before the Rachabites, (Jeremiah 35:5) were probably bulging jars or bowls. The water-pots of Cana appear to have been large amphorae, such as are in use at the present day in Syria. These were of stone or hard earthenware. The water-pot of the Samaritan woman may have been a leathern bucket, such as Bedouin women use.

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