
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


The name is given to manyAustralian trees from the strong scent of their timber.They are – – Of the N.O. Santalaceae – – Exocarpos latifolia, R. Br.; called Scrub-Sandalwood.

Fusanus spicatus, R. Br.; called FragrantSandalwood.

Santalum lanceolatum, R. Br.

S. obtusifodum, R. Br.

Santalum persicarium, F. v. M.; called NativeSandalwood.

Of the N.O. Myoporinae – – Eremophila mitchelli, Benth.; called also Rosewood and Bastard-Sandalwood.

E. sturtii, R. Br.; called curiously the ScentlessSandalwood.

Myoporum platycarpum, R. Br.; called also Dogwood (q.v.).

Of the N.O. Apocyneae – – Alyxia buxifolia, R. Br.; called NativeSandalwood in Tasmania.

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