
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris


name given in Sydney to Seriola hippos, Gunth., family Carangidae;and in Melbourne to the young of Arripis salar,Richards., family Percidae. See Salmon.

1882. Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, `Fish of New South Wales,'p. 60:

«The samson-fish (Senola hippos, Gunth.) is occasionallycaught. The great strength of these fishes is remarkable, andwhich probably is the cause that gave it the name ofSamson-fish, as sailors or shipwrights give to the name of astrong post resting on the keelson of a ship, and supportingthe upper beam, and bearing all the weight of the deck cargonear the hold, Samson-post

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