
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ADUA´TICA or ADUA´TUCA, a castellum or fortified place mentioned by Caesar (B. G. 6.32) as situated about the centre of the country of the Eburones, the greater part of which country lay between the Mosa ( Maas) and the Rhenus. There is no further indication of its position in Caesar. Q. Cicero, who was posted here with a legion in B.C. 53, sustained and repelled a sudden attack of the Sigambri ( B. G. 6.35, &c.), in the same camp in which Titurius and Aurunculeius had wintered in B.C. 54 ( B. G. 5.26). If it be the same place as the Aduaca Tungrorum of the Antonine Itinerary, it is the modern Tongern, in the Belgian province of Limburg, where there are remains of old walls, and many antiquities. Though only a castellum or temporary fort in Caesar's time, the place is likely enough to have been the site of a larger town at a later date.