
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ADUA´TICI(Ἀτουατικοί, Dio Cass.), a people of Belgic Gaul, the neighbours of the Eburones and Nervii. They were the descendants of 6000 Cimbri and Teutones, who were left behind by the rest of these barbarians on their march to Italy, for the purpose of looking after the baggage which their comrades could not conveniently take with them. After the defeat of the Cimbri and Teutones, near Aixby C. Marius (B.C. 102), and again in the north of Italy, these 6000 men maintained themselves in the country. (Caes. B. G. 2.29.) Their head quarters were a strong natural position on a steep elevation, to which there was only one approach. Caesar does not give the place a name, and no indication of its site. D'Anville supposes that it is Falaison the Mehaigne. The tract occupied by the Aduatici appears to be in South Brabant. When their strong position was taken by Caesar, 4000 of the Aduatici perished, and 53,000 were sold for slaves. ( (B. G. 2.33.)