ANCON(Ἀγκών), a headland and bay, as the name implies, on the coast of Pontus, east of Amisus. It is mentioned by Valerius Flaccus (4.600) in his Argonautica, after the Iris, as if it were east of the mouth of that river. Apollonius Rhodius simply speaks of it as a headland (2.369). The ancient authorities do not agree in the distances along this coast (Steph. s. v. Χαδισία;Hamilton, Researches, vol. 1. p. 288). The conclusion of Hamilton seems to be the most probable, that Derbend Bournou, east of Amisus, represents Ancon, as it is the first headland east of Amisus, and the only place before reaching the mouth of the Iris where a harbour can exist.He adds, that at the extremity of Derbend Bournou, a small stream falls into the sea between two precipitous headlands, probably the Chadisius of the ancients.