
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ANEMU´RIUM(Ἀνεμούριον: Cape Anamur), the most southern point of Asia Minor, which terminates in a high bluff knob.Strabo (p. 669) places Anemurium at the nearest point of Cilicia to Cyprus. He adds that the distance along the coast to Anemurium from the borders of Pamphylia (that is, from Coracesium) is 820 stadia, and the remainder of the coast distance to Soli is about 500 stadia.Beaufort ( Karamania, p. 201) suspects that the numbers in Strabo have been accidentally misplaced in the MSS., for from Anemurium to Soli is nearly double the distance of the former place from Coracesium.But the matter would not be set quite right merely by making the numbers change places, as the true distances will show.
Strabo does not mention a city Anemurium, but it is mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.27), by Ptolemy, and Scylax. Beaufort found there the indications of a considerable ancient town. The modern castle, which is on one side of the high bluff knob, is supplied with water by two aqueducts, which are channels cut in the rocks of the hills, but where they cross ravines they are supported by arches. Within the space enclosed by the fortified walls of the castle there are the remains of two theatres. All the columns and the seats of the theatre have been carried away, probably to Cyprus. There is also a large necropolis full of tombs, the walls of which are still sound, though the tombs have been ransacked. It does not appear to what period these remains belong, but the theatres and aqueduct are probably of the Roman period. There are many medals of Anemurium of the time of the Roman emperors.

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