
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

A´NTHEMUS(Ἀνθεμοῦς,—οῦντος: Eth. Ἀνθεμούσιος, a town of Macedonia of some importance, belonging to the early Macedonian monarchy. It appears to have stood SE. of Thessalonica and N. of Chalcidice, since we learn from Thucydides that its territory bordered upon Bisaltia, Crestonia and Mygdonia. It was given by Philip to the Olynthians. Like some of the other chief cities in Macedonia, it gave its name to a town in Asia. (Steph. B. s. v.) It continued to be mentioned by writers under the Roman empire. (Hdt. 5.94; Thuc. 2.99, 100; Dem. Phil. 2. p. 70, ed. Reisk.; Diod. 15.8; Plin. Nat. 4.10. s. 17. § 36; Liban. Declam. xiii.; Aristid. 2.224; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 450.)

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