
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ANTUNNACUM(Andernach), a Roman post on the left bank of the Rhine, in the territory of the Ubii. [TREVIRI] It is placed in the Itineraries, on the road that ran along the west bank of the river; and it is also placed by Ammianus Marcellinus (Ammian. 18.2) between Bonna (Bonn) and Bingium ( Bingen), in his list of the seven towns on the Rhine, which Julianus repaired during his government of Gaul. Antunnacum had been damaged or nearly destroyed by the Germans, with other towns on this bank of the Rhine. Antunnacum is proved by inscriptions to have been, at one time, the quarters of the Legio X. Gemina; and the transition to the modern appellation appears from its name Anternacha,in the Geographer of Ravenna. (Forbiger, Handbucch der alten Geog. vol. 3. p. 155, 248.)
The wooden bridge which Caesar constructed (B.C. 55) for the purpose of conveying his troops across the Rhine into Germany, was probably between Andernachand Coblenz, and perhaps nearer Andernach. The passages of Caesar from which we must attempt to determine the position of his bridge, for he gives no names of places to guide us, are:— B. G. 4.15, &c., 6.8, 35. [G.L]